What is Age-Group Running?

The non-elite format of the sport is known as Age-Group competition. AgeGroup allows athletes to compete for medals and titles against fellow competitors within pre-defined age group categories. These age group categories are divided by gender and age and are set apart by three age bands, Juniors, Seniors Division and Masters divided into ten year age bands, from the age of 35 for women and 40 for men.

The distance in which juniors can compete will vary depending on their age on the day of the event. U15s are restricted to 6,000 metres, age 15 are restricted to a maximum distance of 10,000 metres, age 16 to 15,000 metres, age 17 to 25,000 metres and age 18-20 are restricted to marathon distance.

The age band category that you fall into depends on your age on the day of the competition. Example: If you are 20 on race day, you will compete within the Open category.

Key Category Age
FJFemale Junior15-19
FSFemale Senior20-34
F35Female Masters 35-44
F45Female Masters 45-54
F55Female Masters 55-64
F65Female Masters 65-74
F75Female Masters 75+
MJMale Junior15-19
MSMale Senior20-39
M40Male Masters 40-49
M50Male Masters 50-59
M60Male Masters 60-69
M70Male Masters 70-79
M80Male Masters 80+
N15Non-binary 13-14
NJNon-binary Junior15-19
NSNon-binary Senior20-39
N40Non-binary Masters40-49
N50Non-binary Masters 50-59
N60Non-binary Masters 60-69
N70Non-binary Masters 70-79
N80Non-binary Masters 80+