Be Prepared

Millions of Scouts around the world have used Scout Motto since 1907, and in the first part of Scouting for Boys, Robert Baden-Powell explains the meaning of the phrase: “The scouts’ motto is founded on my initials, it is: BE PREPARED, which means, you are always in a state of readiness in mind and body to do your DUTY;”

And you might wonder, ok but what this has to do with the Northstowe Half Marathon? Well, it does, because the 1st Northstowe Scouts has been chosen as a charity partner for the 2023 Northstowe Half Marathon and this is why the race alongside it has been named Be Prepared 5K.

We are proud that our event can support local charities. After raising £1872 to support children and young people’s mental health and wellbeing with the Fullscope 5K race, we are very excited that we can help the group that always supports us by volunteering at our events.

All profits from Be Prepared 5K will be donated to 1st Northstowe Scouts and hopefully will allow the group to invest in the equipment they need to keep growing and go on more adventures!

If you’d like to learn more about Northstowe Scouts please visit their website and social media.

The online entries for Northstowe Half Marathon 2023 & Be Prepared 5K are open and you can sign up here.