Finishers’ medals revealed

We are proud to present the finisher’s medals for the Northstowe Half Marathon and Fullscope 5K.

Northstowe Half Marathon finisher’s medal
Fullscope 5K finisher’s medal

We put in a lot of effort to create sustainable events which have minimal negative impacts on the environment. By using a local supplier, Zero Waste Medals, not only do we support local businesses but we can also be sure that the product we order has been made from sustainably sourced wood from here in the UK, reducing the environmental and carbon footprint impacts that would have resulted from alternative materials imported from elsewhere in the world.

Our medals are:

🌍 Environmentally friendly
🇬🇧 Made in the UK
♻️ Made from sustainably sourced wood

We can’t wait to put them around your neck at the finish line of the Northstowe Half Maraton & Fullscope 5K 🏅